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EU Projects News

The big kick-off of SGS Regional Working Groups (RWGs)

The regional working groups in the topics related to the inclusion of LGBTQI communities into grassroots sports kicked off, and by now has already taken place in 5 countries. CSIT took part in a working group located in Austria, engaged into discussions and exchanged know-how with the participating local stakeholders.

EU Projects News

eYOUAca meets in Tallinn

The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of EU co-funded project eYOUAca, was held in Estonia from the 7th to 9th of May. The meeting brought together all the projects partners to discuss the progress and achievements of the eYOUAca e-learning program, as well as the next steps before the big launch.
EU Projects News

Barcelona meets eYOUAca

The 2nd International Meeting of EU co-funded project eYOUAca took place in Barcelona, Spain in the last two days of January.

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