Aid-Fundraising for the Region of Emilia Romagna
Climate change is unfortunately leading to immense natural disasters more and more often around the world. Severe storms or even heavy rainfall have unfortunately dominated the headlines in the media time and again in recent months. Most recently, the Italian region of Emilia Romagna, where the CSIT World Sports Games 2023 will take place from 5 to 10 September, was also affected. However, the organisers have already given the all-clear! Our colleagues in Italy have confirmed: The WSG 2023 are not endangered and will definitely take place! Internationally, a big relief action for Emilia Romagna has started, which is also fully supported by the CSIT.
Severe storms and rainfall have led to a flood disaster with 15 fatalities so far and large areas flooded. Many people are in need, have lost their shelter and are suffering. In the name of our WSG 2023 organizing committee EMILIOC, we would like to inform you, that the Emilia-Romagna Region has activated a fundraising activity to support the people and Emilia Romagna communities that have been hit by floods or landslides following the extreme weather events that occurred in May 2023.
Anyone can donate using these bank details
Bank: UniCredit
IBAN: IT69G0200802435000104428964
BIC / Swift – Code: UNCRITM1OM0
The current account is in the name of the Emilia-Romagna Territorial Security and Civil Protection Agency (also in the abbreviated version "Regional Agency Sic.T. Civil Protection Emilia Romagna").
Photos © Fabio Blaco
24. may 2023 / WSG News