Flag Football – Spectacular and New in CSIT

At the CSIT WSG in Cervia, Flag-Football will hold its IAAFL - World Championship 2023.

In the name of our CSIT member union IAAFL – the International Amateur American Football League Italy - we would like to introduce you Flag Football, a popular variation of American Football. Flag Football replaces the roughest forms of contact, particularly tackling, with the detachment, by tearing action (pulling) of cloth or plastic Flags attached to the belt worn by the ball carrier, as well as all the players in the game.

Exactly the values of CSIT
Ultimately, flag football provides a means for men, women and children to stay physically active and enjoy the camaraderie and social quality of playing a team orientated sport, at nearly any age in life and is well valued for the ability to practice it mixed without losing level or quality of play, favoring gender equality. 

Spreading all over the World
American Football is a sport in strong world expansion in the last twenty years. After almost 150 years from its first historic game, still in the year 2000, American Football was practiced only in in just over a dozen countries in the world while today it is played in more than 80 countries in the world, thanks to the advent of the Internet and digital channels. Especially the no contact version, known as Flag Football, has evolved into one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

At the CSIT World Sports Games 2023 in Cervia from September 5 to 10 in the region of Emilia Romagna (Italy) FLAG FOOTBALL will take place officially as IAAFL World Championship 2023 in Cervia.

CSIT would like to invite everybody to send teams to this spectacular event. Also for the future CSIT is planning to collaborate more closely with the Amateur American Football – movement and bring Flag Football into the CSIT with the aim to found a Technical Commission in American Football in CSIT.

Feel free to take a look at the official presentation on Flag Football by our CSIT member union IAAFL here.

In case of further questions please do not hesitate to contact General Commissioner of IAAFL Walter Sabbioneda directly via sabbioneda@iaafl.eu or by phone +33 644 00 65 38.

19. April 2023 / WSG News