Exciting Premieres for 4 Partner Sports

Shared enthusiasm for very different passions

Once again, CSIT is breaking new ground at the VII World Sports Games: four partner sports, which could not be more different, enrich the diverse program in the Emilia Romagna region.

The performances of the girls and young women competing in Pole Sport in the city of Forlì are particularly impressive. At first, as an observer, you are impressed by the imaginatively styled jerseys of the athletes. Then, a ten-meter high triangular scaffolding catches your eye, in which a ring with a diameter of 1.3 meters is mounted. However, these first impressions take a backseat as the competitors perform their routines to carefully selected, dynamic music. 18 judges assess the athletes' acrobatic masterpieces, which astonish every new spectator. The competition is held in duet as well as solo. 

A few kilometres away, the sport of Dodge Ball, which evolved from a traditional school sport, presents itself with no less enthusiastic athletes. Teams of six players each try to hit the opponents with six red softballs and thus take them out of the game. Reaction, throwing power, speed and tactics are the factors of success.

Partner sport number 3 needs no further explanation: American football is known worldwide, but the tournament in Ravenna is a CSIT premiere.

Last but not least: Skating, a trend sport that inspires young people worldwide and is celebrating its CSIT premiere in Milano Adriatico.

The athletes of these four up-and-coming sports agree on one thing: The CSIT World Sports Games are a perfect presentation platform to make their great passion even more popular worldwide.


8. September 2023 / WSG News