Host a CSIT Single Championship

The opportunity to host a CSIT Single Championship provides a platform to organize an international sporting event that promotes amateur sports and strengthens global connections. These championships bring together athletes and organizations from various countries, fostering camaraderie and showcasing the values of sportsmanship.

Application form to organize CSIT Single Championships

Benefits of Hosting a CSIT Single Championship

Organizing a CSIT Single Championship highlights the hosting nation’s commitment to amateur sports and international cooperation. It serves as an opportunity to establish meaningful relationships with national and international sports federations and promotes the development of amateur sports on a broader scale. Hosting such an event also contributes to the promotion of health, teamwork, and community engagement.

Eligibility to Host

Hosting a CSIT Single Championship is primarily entrusted to CSIT Member Unions, except during the year of the World Sports Games (WSG). Sub-continental members and other CSIT partners may also submit applications, provided they meet all necessary criteria. Organizing unions are encouraged to invite non-CSIT affiliated sports federations or organizations that support amateur sports and wish to participate, expanding the reach and impact of the event.

Hosting Requirements

  • A minimum of four CSIT Member Unions must participate for the championship to qualify as an official CSIT event. If fewer than four unions register, the event may still occur but will not carry official CSIT classification.
  • Organizers must provide regular updates to the Sports Directors and relevant Technical Commissions regarding registration status. Timely communication ensures proper planning and may involve reminders to secure adequate participation. If the required participation levels are not met, the event may be canceled and removed from the CSIT sports calendar.
    Close cooperation with the Technical Commissions and Sports Directors is essential throughout the organization process to ensure the championship meets CSIT standards and achieves its goals.

Application Process

Applications to host a CSIT Single Championship can be submitted at any time. A potential host may be approached by the Technical Commission or initiate contact directly with the CSIT Sportdirectors ( Once an application is received, it undergoes a review to ensure all obligations have been met.

The CSIT Treasurer verifies compliance with requirements, and the Executive Committee (ExCom) makes the final decision regarding the award of the championship. If approved, the hosting organization is informed promptly and must begin preparations in collaboration with the relevant Technical Commissions. A minimum preparation period of nine months is observed to ensure the event’s success.

Hosts of CSIT Single Championships are acknowledged annually at the CSIT Congress, where their contributions to international sports development are celebrated.