Seniors Formation Course

The long-planned CSIT Seniors Formation Course took place mid of June at the “BSFZ Südstadt” near Vienna.

The focus was on games, sport and fun and, above all, the planning and coordination of future meetings under the responsibility and direction of the new CSIT Vice President Birthe Henriksen from Denmark, who has taken over the management of the Seniors agenda from Palle Thomsen. The course was perfectly organized by CSIT member ASKÖ Austria under the direction of Sylvia Laukes. The participants from Austria, Israel, Italy and Denmark were able to try out lots of new activities, including walking football, and take plenty of tips and ideas back to their associations. Birthe Henriksen was very satisfied: “It was very nice meeting people from so many countries and exchanging. We were looking forward to it for a while, as such activities help us meet new people, which in our age is not very easy, but very much important. We are very excited for Loutraki in 2025, where we are working on bringing new interesting activities, even some competitive ones.” 

22. july 2024 / CSIT News

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