Opening Press Conference – course for journalists
One day before, on 5 September (the day of arrival), the public opening press conference of the Games will take place at 11.00 a.m. at the Hotel Dante in the WSG2023 Press Centre "Sala Guelfi". The Hotel Dante is also the "Casa Italia", the games and communication center of the WSG2023. Numerous local journalists, as well as national media representatives, are expected at the press conference. During WSG2023, there will also be a course for journalists on "Language of inclusion in sports journalism" on 6 September from 9.00 to 13.00 by "l'Ordine dei giornalisti dell'Emilia Romagna and AiCS". Italian journalists are required by law to attend annual refresher courses on journalistic rules and ethics. There are training points for this. The CSIT course, led by AICS, is one of them. The participants are regional journalists who are learning about inclusion in sports journalism.
31. August 2023 / WSG News