EU co-funded Project eYOUAca on the home straight
The EU co-funded eYOUAca project is the latest version of CSIT's Youth Academy for grassroots sports project series, which already included YOUAca, YOUAca 2.0 and YOULead. The current project aims to develop an innovative e-learning academy aimed at young people aged between 18 and 30. From 7 to 9 May, the 3rd international working meeting of the eYOUAca project will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn, bringing the project partners together in person for the last time to discuss various issues related to project management and key upcoming deliverables. These include the evaluation of the pilot of the e-learning platform developed by AICS and the setting of launch dates for the programme. The session will also address the internship activities presented by TUL and ETSIA. In addition, EPSI will present assessment tools for the e-learning programme. The next transnational partner meeting will be in Vienna at the final conference.
4. may 2023 / EU Projects News