Let's bring kids to doing sport: a survey

Dear Austrian partners and followers of CSIT, we need your valuable opinion!

In recent years, the daily habits of our children have changed dramatically due to new leisure patterns (television, internet, video games, smartphones, etc.), which has led to a noticeable decrease in physical activity. Exacerbating this, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the physical activity levels of all children. 

The EU project PLAYS aims to encourage children to participate in sports again as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Specifically, it aims to support 6-12 year olds - including children with physical and/or mental disabilities, as well as children with social and/or economic problems - in an active lifestyle and thus promote increased sporting activity.
Hence, the purpose of this survey is to investigate how parents/guardians, coaches and teachers in Austria can be helped to support children in this endeavor, as well as if there are any best practices to get an example from.

We would therefore like to ask you to share your knowledge and experience through this survey (the survey is offered in German). Thank you!

27. february 2023 / EU Projects News

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